Monday, November 29, 2010

Black Friday Commercials

So I was watching TV on Thanksgiving night, and was bombarded with commercials for "Black Friday" specials. I must have heard the phrase "4AM doorbusters" over a hundred times. It got to be pretty obnoxious, and repetitive and it made me wonder how effective these commercials really are. Yes, they do inform people of the specials, but they all sound the same. There were very few ads that were able, in my opinion, to break through the clutter. Among those were the Target ads. They all featured the same blonde woman who was very excited about "Black Friday." All of Target's commercials informed the viewer of their specials, but they did so without screaming at you. In fact, the commercials featured very little dialogue and relied primarily on visuals and some text at the end of the commercial. In this situation, they broke through the clutter by being quiet, not trying to yell over everyone else like so many other ads do.

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