Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Are Magazines Really Going Extinct?

If I had a dollar for every time I heard this in one of my advertising classes or even in daily conversation, I would be very rich. And although it is something a lot of people are saying, I don't know if I believe it. Yes, I understand that because of the iPad, smart phones, and the Internet the trend is to go paperless; however I don't think this applies to magazines as much as people think it does. Maybe I'm just sentimental and don't want to except change, but ever since I can remember I have been buying magazines partly because I love to tear the pages out and keep them. I also have two full bookcases at home filled with not books, but magazines; and I know plenty of other people who do the same. Reading a magazine that you can hold in your hand is an experience that I do not think technology can accurately duplicate. For example, saving an image to your desktop is not the same as tearing a page out of a magazine. So while I do agree that technology is going to change the media and advertising industry in big ways, I am not willing to let go of my hope that magazines will remain as they are (or at least coexist with their iPad aps).

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