Friday, October 22, 2010

local ads

Local Ads are something that I will never understand. I have yet to see one that is even decent quality, and I have seen a lot. They just tend to be very cheesy with low quality production. I understand that small, local businesses do not have large budgets like national companies, but whenever I see a bad local commercial I always wonder if there was a better way to do the ad within the same budget.

"Mix 2Gether"

This commercial just came on while I was watching "E!" and I was so impressed. Although parts of it are a little odd, I think the overall concept and execution are so creative. I love the transfer of different physical attributes and the music is great also. The only thing I would change about the ad is the last shot showing the two DJs with switched heads. I think this is too weird and does not fit with the rest of the ad because the physical transfer was never shown.